We provide you

All kinds of Wood Chips you want!

About us

China Wood chips (mu-pian.com) is a professional website under China Smart Supply Chain Ltd. that focuses on vertical segments of the Wood Chips (paper, pulp and MDF) industry. China Smart Supply Chain Ltd. was established in Hong Kong SAP, China, and has an office in Nanshan District, Shenzhen of China. A supply chain management company focusing on the Wood Chips industry, we have good cooperative relations with large global Wood Chips manufacturers, Chinese paper industry and MDF medium density fiberboard giants.
China Wood chips (mu-pian.com) is built by professionals with many years of rich management experience and technical experience. At the beginning of its establishment, it has a first-class software and hardware platform, which has laid a solid foundation for its rapid growth and steady development.
Technological innovation is the driving force for the continuous development of an enterprise. China Wood Chips (mu-pian.com) has been paying attention to the development trend of new industries, paying attention to the needs of customers, and striving to use the latest technology to design the best products and provide the most perfect services for customers.

Our values

Believe in the power of science and technology, based on honesty, innovation and far-reaching, attitude determines everything, details determine success or failure, and continue to create maximum value for customers!

Our mission

Committed to global sustainable development!

Our vision

Small but beautiful is better. In the future, small is beautiful, and strive to become a respected small and beautiful enterprise!